ONLINE: Better than the van

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Site-ul este un fel de CouchSurfing – serviciu prin care turiștii locuiesc acasă la gazde pentru a reduce cheltuielile de cazare și masă.

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Ever been inside a band’s “tour bus” (a.k.a. rusted old van of questionable origins)? It’s not, shall, we say, the most fragrant of places. Well, the newly relaunched site Better Than the Van aims to give musicians reprieve from the sweat-stewed interiors of their tour buses and crash with fans.

BTTV co-founder Todd Hansen came up with the site idea for the site back in 2008, whilst touring with bands and running a record label in Minneapolis. “I figured there had always been a need for something like this, so I built a quick site (with help, as I’m not really a developer) and put it out there,” he says via e-mail.

Over the years, the site has chugged along, giving away an appropriately beat-to-hell Chevy van packed with music gear at SXSW, and attempting to get funding without success.