Dr. Jeremy Silver este un expert britanic în media digitală. Fiecare articol și interviu este o desfătare pentru mine, o uimire pentru artiști și o amenințare pentru rigizi.
Acest citat sintetizează modul în care copyright-ul (dreptul de autor) poate trebuie să fie modernizat:
Artists could change the world by standing up and saying we do not want copyright to be about a reproduction right in a world where the reproduction of our content can no longer be controlled. We want copyright to ensure that artists get paid for their work equitably, in equal proportion to the effort involved in its creation, promotion and distribution.
We want copyright to ensure that artists are credited by name for the work that they create. And we want copyright to ensure that specific moral and ethical requests made by an artist are respected.
Extras din articolul The Piracy Thing
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