Johnny Cash – nominalizat la premiile Grammy 2011 cu un videoclip realizat de fani

Academia Americană de Artă și Știință a anunțat nominalizările pentru premiile muzicale Grammy din 2011. La categoria Cel mai bun videoclip muzical concurează Lady Gaga. Eminem, Cee Lo Green, Gorillaz.

Pentru prima dată în istorie un videoclip interactiv, realizat de sute de fani a fost nominalizat pentru acest premiu! Este vorba de proiectul online The Johhny Cash Project.

Behind every frame is a real person, a fan. Over the last few years, we’ve seen web video becoming less of a passive experience — it’s an inevitable transition, given that we’re watching these videos on our computers instead of passively from the couch.

“It’s a whole new canvas with a whole new set of paints,” Milk says. “And you can create things that you never could before.”

“I don’t know if [the web] will ever resolve and become the defined art form that cinema has become,” he adds. “Maybe the web is so ever-changing and growing that the art form will also be ever-changing and growing. But for me, as a director, as a maker of images that move, it’s an amazing, awesome time to be making stuff. (Via

Iată videoclipul, așa cum arăta el pe data de 30 septembrie 2010: