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Mi se pare o idee foarte bună în contextul creșterii consumului de video pe internet. Mai ales că Jinni se laudă că învață de la utilizatori și recomandă filme conform preferințelor noastre!
Prezentarea de mai jos promite multe:
Films inspire us. Obsess. Puzzle. Delight. That’s what we think – and that’s why we started Jinni. Because the usual keywords and genres don’t even try to capture the meaty stories and heady experiences of film, and so they’re not much use when choosing what to see next.
Jinni is a Taste Engine. We look at film through the lens of what makes you love or hate anything you watch. With a Taste Engine, you don’t search by what you’re looking for, you search by what you like. And recommendations are based on analyzing your preferences, not statistics.
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