Articol în The Guardian:
The only way to tackle illegal filesharing is not suppression, but to offer reliable, easy to use, fairly priced alternatives

Artistul spune că legi mai dure nu aduc nimic în plus artiștilor și caselor de discuri atâta timp cât așa-zișii pirați vor fi cu un pas înaintea întregii industrii.

As the pirates always manage to stay one step ahead of the latest clampdown, the recording industry will continue to ask legislators for ever tighter sanctions, leading ultimately to an internet controlled by and for big business, which can only be accessed by those willing to pay.

Mai importante decât legile sunt condițiile flexibile pe care casele de discuri trebuie să le ofere pentru a ajuta internetul:

We need legal networks licenced by record companies that give users access to all the music they want for a subscription fee. We need P2P communities that spread the word for new artists while offering advertising platforms so that an artist whose work is downloaded can receive reciprocal payment from advertising revenue.

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