Un nou sondaj arată că deși downloadul ilegal nu poate fi oprit, așa-zișii ’pirați’ ar fi de acord să plătească pentru a face rost de muzică online.
Additional findings include:
* 38% of the 64 million consumers who had downloaded a song or album in the previous three months had acquired a song through illegal means.
* Illegal downloaders are voracious music consumers who also pay to experience music in a number of ways, and they are buying music through their game consoles and playing music/singing games like Guitar Hero much more than their CD buying counterparts.
* Social networking sites are underutilized sales tools, as illegal downloaders are 50% more likely than CD buyers to have listened to music on a social networking site.
* While illegal downloaders also buy CDs – more than the average consumer, in fact – they are much more interested in individual songs.
Via Hypebot
Vezi și articolele despre viitorul muzicii și anti-piraterie de aici.
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