Hypebot a întocmit un top al celor mai folositoare 10 servicii Twitter pentru artiști.
Încercați-le, multe dintre ele sunt folositoare oricărui twitterist :-)
1. SONG.LY – Type in a song title or mp3 link to tweeT and your followers get a short link to a page allowing them to play the song right in the browser without having to download it.2. TWITTERFEED – Use this free service to have your RSS feeds and blog posts automatically posted to your Twitter account
3. TWI.BZ – Every letter counts and this url shortener has special features designed specifically for Twitter. Also: TinyUrl.
4. FACEBOOK UPDATES – Link your account directly to your Facebook profile and you can update your status via Twitter from your cell. (here)
5. TWEET LATER– Spread out your tweets using this post scheduling service. Bonus tip: Schedule a special Tweet to be sent to your fans in the middle of a show like asking for requests via Twitter
6. TWIT PIC – Share photos including from your cell phone via Twitter. Great for “behind the scenes” pics.
7. DORA (nu merge în afara Statelor Unite) – Share a bit of yourself with fans. Automatically tweets what you’re listening to on Pandora.
8. THE MATTINATOR – Post to multiple Twitter accounts (like band or label and personal) at the same time. Watch a brief introductory video after the jump.
9. PING.FM (îl folosesc zilnic!) – Update your social networks and Twitter all with one post.
10. TWITTER BUTTONS – Get great looking “follow me” buttons for Twitter, just add your id.
De asemenea îmi plac:
Seesmic – Twitter video, foarte folositor pentru vlogging
QIK – serviciu de transmisii video de pe telefon, e legat automat la contul tău de Twitter
TinySong – un serviciu Grooveshark pentru link-uri scurte, gen TinyUrl
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