StumbleAudio este un Sumble Upon pentru muzică, aşa cum îi spune şi numele.

Site-ul este unul care ajută descoperirea muzicii noi şi are deja 2 milioane de melodii de la peste 120.000 de artişti. Un lucru important este că artiştii sunt plătiţi iar site-ul este legal.

The more you use the more it learns is the factor involved if users are to get better results from their stumbles. Its worth it for a start, and is set to make improvements with time as the users put it to use with continuous stumbling. The service in time is to introduce various social network applications and widgets, making the idea of sharing music over various social networks easy.

Another interesting offering it has is one to pay the artists’ for their songs that are played and its not in any sort of association with Stumbleupon or the likes. What I think is that the developers have utilized the concept pretty well to bring innovation to music recommendation. There is no add-on for The Internet Explorer or Firefox (although I would love it to be there on my explorer), the service lets you share your favorite songs.

Via StartupMeme.

Site-ul se mândreşte că “învaţă” preferinţele tale şi cu timpul devine mai bun în a-ţi propune muzică pe gustul tău.

Acum eu întreb: care este stilul care-mi place mie? Ascult Carlos Santana, Michael Jackson, Linkin Park, Snoop Dogg, The Streets, Staind, Usher, Timbaland, My Chemical Romance, Xzibit, Bon Jovi. Na, acum să te văd Stumble Audio dacă reuşeşti să mă “înţelegi” :-)

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