Noul album “Hard Candy” Madonna se lansează oficial pe 1 mai 2008. Dar dacă ai cont pe MySpace şi scrii un articol pe blogul tău cu titlul “4 Minutes to Invade MySpace” poţi câştiga dreptul de a asculta noul album, gratuit, de pe net. Înainte cu 4 zile de apariţia lui pe piaţă!
Madonna zice pe contul ei de MySpace:
If you are a friend of Madonna on Myspace, here is a chance to let all of your own friends know about this new release while sharing your excitement with the rest of the Myspace community! To take part in the ’4 Minutes to Invade Myspace’ mission, all you need to do is right click on the Hard Candy album art featured below and upload it as your own profile’s default pic.
Once you are done, please send Madonna a message to let her know! Don’t forget to include the e-mail address associated with your MySpace account and to use “4 Minutes to Invade Myspace” as your message’s subject line! As a way to thank you for taking part in this exciting mission, Madonna will pick up some of your messages and will make you one of her top friends for 7 days! Please note that the mission will end on May 1st, so be sure to take part in the mission right now!
“Time is waiting” and it will only take you 4 minutes to invade Myspace. So come on and join the fun!
Madonna pariază şi ea pe puterea internetului de a creşte vânzările de CD-uri. Pentru că deseori gratuit înseamnă profitabil!
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