Site-ul a compilat topul celor mai fierbinti 50 de femei din muzica. Pe primele locuri au ajuns: 1. Jessica Simpson, 2. Shakira, 3. Carrie Underwood, 4. Beyonce, 5. Nicole (Pussycat Dolls)


Cu Jessica sunt de acord. Surprizele se arata mai jos in top cu niste fete de care noi romanii nu am auzit, cantarete de country, trupe rock sau castigatoare ale American Idol… Merita vazute insa!

Mi-au placut regulile, din care citez:

Rule #1 (The Madonna Rule): This list is based on recent hotness. It doesn’t matter how hot an artist was back in the ‘80s. It’s 2007. What have you done for us lately?
Rule #2 (The Hayden Panettiere Rule): To qualify for this list, an artist must be over 18 years of age. We only objectify of-age women here.
Rule #3 (The Newcomer Rule): Each artist must have released at least one full-length album prior to August 1st, 2007 in order to qualify.
Rule #4 (The Pseudo-Musician Rule): Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton are disqualified for obvious reasons.
Rule #5 (The Ashlee Simpson Rule): A woman can move up a few spots based on talent and/or personality. However, they cannot be hurt by lack of talent. Just like in real life.
Rule #6 (The Anastacia Rule): A prolonged absence from the musical spotlight can bring an artist down several notches. This is, after all, a list of the hottest women in music, so it’s only appropriate that they stay active in music.
Rule #7 (The Dixie Chicks Rule): For a group, the ranking will be determined by averaging the hotness of all members.

In top nu le-am gasit pe cateva dintre fetele cele mai la moda in topurile din ultimii ani: Pink, Fergie (BEP), Gwen Stefani.

Tu ce top ai face pentru Romania?

“Atat de fericita” – Delia

[tags]Hi-Q, Music, Romania, Top 50, Hottest Women in Music, digg[/tags]


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