Via blog-ul GerdLeonhard: Predictiile referitoare la muzica digitala pe net, pentru 2007.
1. At least one major label will start offering their tracks for sale without DRM. It could just be one of the imprints at one of the conglomerates, but 2007 will be the year that the majors make a signficant move towards non-DRM digital formats. They should make these sorts of noises prior to the renewal of their iTunes contract to gain more leverage.
2. Digital revenues will represent at least 20% if not 25% of a major label. While I have no knowledge of this, if I had to handicap, I would pick Warner Music as the one to do this first.
3. will be bought by Google, Viacom or Clear Channel in that order for a figure in the low to mid hundreds of millions of dollars.
4. Pandora will go to the suitor that lost out on
5. XM & Sirius will try to merge. (They have to in order to survive). Terrestrial radio will use their influence in Washington to nix this.
6. The Sony BMG merger case will be favorably resolved by the EU courts. EMI and Warner Music will try to merge again.
7. Apple will release their much-awaited mobile phone device, which will have modest but not runaway success since only 1 carrier will support it and Apple’s various fans will have to wait for their existing cell phone contracts to lapse.
8. Instead, Apple’s iTV product will be the surprise hit of the year.
9. Sonos will be bought by Philips, Bose or Microsoft. Many people would have expected Apple to buy them but Apple just won’t be able to stomach buying something that they think they can make.
10. eMusic will file for IPO
Interesanta ideea ca XM si Sirius s-ar putea uni, dar pe cand radio digital contra cost si in Romania? Si astept si eu noul telefon de la Apple, nu stiu de ce am presimtirea ca nu va fi mare scofala! Insa intrarea Nokia pe piata vanzarii de muzica este ceva care trebuie urmarit!
“Beat It” – Michael Jackson
[tags]Hi-Q, Music, Romania, Blog, Weblog[/tags]
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