La câteva zile după plecarea lui Michael scriam un articol în care demonstram în câteva rânduri că megastarul nu era sărac, așa cum s-a scris prin presa de scandal. Dimpotrivă, artistul era un om de afaceri foarte atent cu investițiile lui iar Sony/ATV a însemnat foarte mult pentru el.
Astăzi citesc un articol pe blogul Music Publishing & Songwriting scris de Eric Beall, compozitor, publisher și fost PR în primii ani de la înființarea Sony/ATV.

Finalul articolului întărește admirația mea pentru omul de afaceri Michael Jackson:
The one thing that has stuck with me is how many times I’ve spoken with people in the industry who had the chance to work with Michael Jackson, either in the publishing field or as musicians, singers, and engineers, only to hear the same story, over and over again.
The story I’ve heard is not that of a crazy, Garbo-esque circus act, though that element certainly became a dominating factor somewhere toward the close of his life. But the story I’ve heard has consistently been that of an extremely focused, intelligent, savvy, competitive show-business veteran, obsessed with hitting the highest standard of whatever he took on.
That’s the Michael Jackson that songwriters, producers and musicians should appreciate, and his creation of Sony-ATV Music is an important part of that legacy.
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