Poveşti despre viitor #1: Blogurile vor deveni case de discuri

Gerd Leonhard lansează seria de “Poveşti despre viitor” pe site-ul www.mediafuturist.com cu prima profeţie: blogurile vor deveni case de discuri iar bloggerii vor fi moguli de media.


Blogurile nu sunt importante luate separat, dar toate la un loc crează o forţă de promovare. Reţele sociale sunt radiourile viitorului pentru că muzica se difuzează acolo. În scurt timp feed-ul RSS al unor critici de muzică sau fani vor fi mai “ascultate” decât o emisiune pe radioul offline.


Imagine a blog that streams a personalized radio channel via a mobile application that sits within your favorite social network – this is the next radio! Whether or rather how you will get to keep the music will not be relevant any longer – what matters is the selection, the endorsement, the context, the relevance. No longer are we going to be hungry for just any music provided that it’s free, now we are hungry for relevance.

So, here is some advise for the last few incumbent record labels of today:

* Dive into music blogging, NOW – either start your own or engage with existing ones…
* Build a global network of bloggers that you can ‘feed’ with your music. Engage, talk, learn…
* Get ready to invest time & money in the top blogs
* Look at bloggers as your next A&R people

Download episodul 1 aici.

Oare ne aude cineva pe la Cat Music, Roton, MediaPro Music, Universal?

[tags]Music, blog, social network, viitorul muzicii[/tags]