Un articol interesant despre artiștii care au inovat în domeniul muzicii on-line.
Interesant de știut cum a pornit totul, mai ales în acest an când Radiohead, Prince și NIN au redefinit modul în care artiștii de talie mondială se promovează și își distribuie muzica.
There is currently a revolution taking place in the music industry. It is common knowledge that music distribution has changed forever with the rise in prominence of digital downloads and the success of portable media players. The media has recently been full of speculation that the record label as we know it will soon disappear. […] High-profile recording artists have embraced the Internet as a creative and promotional tool since the mid-1990s and more recently have utilised the net as a medium for selling and distributing music independently.
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[tags]Music, On-line, internet[/tags]
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